Lately we always wake up early -- lots of hassles in our life right now -- and so the TV was on from about 5. Once we turned it on and saw what was happening, of course there was no way to turn it off. This is a very scary time. I've been in Heathrow a zillion times so it was scarier; it's always worse when you can envision yourself in the place where the trouble's happening.
It all was compounded by the fact that our older son had just returned from London. Since he's on planes all the time I've stopped letting myself think about it but this is different - far too tangible for me. I know I'm suggestible and don't bring nearly enough skepticism to the situation but it is too creepy. Besides, we all know that when we feel no prospect for control things feel worse.
I remember how both kids reacted to 9/11 -- living on the opposite coast from us and so far away. One of the sad things about that horror and what followed is that it has caused so much pain to the generations who followed my own. Even the Oliver Stone film promos remind us (paraphrasing) "every generation is impacted by something, THIS was ours." (THIS being 9/11 of course) It's all just so hard to accept - not so much for me but for my kids and all the other younger people who started out in the tech revolution with so much promise for their futures then watched as those in power seemed to walk into a wall and have no idea how to recover. We all like to leave our kids in better shape than we were. My (Depression-era/WW II) parents did that for us -- I'm pretty sure we haven't passed it on.
Oh - and about security:
I'm also trying to figure out how I would do without
a] My Big Giant Purse
b] My laptop
c] My wheelie
d] At least 3 books and 4 magazines
e] A bottle of water
And where I would put
a] My car key with the keyless entry button (forbidden)
b] My copy of my husband's car key with the keyless entry button (also forbidden)
c My iPod
d] My Treo
e] Another book
f] Cheese from the Red Carpet Room
How are the rest of us feeling? Am I just a wuss?