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« Magic - Bruce Tells the Truth - Where's the Rest of It? | Main | ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! HOW WE TRIED TO STOP THE WAR »

October 10, 2007



I had my first child in 1989 in Henderson, NV. There were only two of us new moms in the unit, both had C-sections that morning. I was pretty unsure as to what to do being a new mom, and body-shy due to my being about 40 pounds overweight. I could hear the nurses talking about me, and how I was such a horrible mother to even consider having a child when I had asthma and WOULD pass it on to my children. This was their opinion, but I heard it, and it just devestated me. I had a horrible time bonding, my milk never did come in right. To this day although I love my daughter deeply, I cannot help but feel the lack of decent care and teaching in those early days was detrimental. I had better luck with my son who was born in 1991, and was able to breast feed for about 3 months with decent results. Pretty wonderful feeling when you get the right help and instructions from caring nursing staff!

Mrs. G.

Boy, I sure get you on this post. My daughter had some problems at birth and she spent her first month in the NICU. The stress and not being together 24/7 prohibited my milk from ever fully coming in. I pumped and I pumped and just this pitiful stream. I didn't feel guilt, but I did feel inadequate. Go moms!

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