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January 21, 2008


Cynthia Samuels

Thanks you two! Happy Birthday F!

Fraulein N

That was wonderful. I'm glad you've raised boys who are (I assume) proud to be feminists. That's a big deal.


Wow, that was beautiful!

Cynthia Samuels

All excellent points! You've covered yet another way that it's harder to raise kids now. I do think though that the kick-butt moms around here are NOT going to have those problems. They won't tolerate this stuff (at least not TOO much of it...) As for Bratz clothes, God help us all!


I think that the 70s was sort of a golden age for gender equity in toys and books. Now everything is extremely pink and pastel or aggressive-metal-android. Before the difference was a little softer and crossover seemed acceptable. I loved the Great Brain books and Legos. And Star Wars had a kick-butt heroine who bossed the boys around. My Princess Leia doll was one of the few I ever had that was dark-haired like me.

I don't know how easy it would be to be a tomboy now... or just a girl that didn't want to dress like a Bratz doll.

Cynthia Samuels

Thanks Julie - you deserve every word. You're going to have a lovely time. I can't believe you know The Great Brain - you're the first person I've met (aside from my kids, me and whomever it was who gave them the first one....) Hope you get some sleep, too.


This is a fabulous post. Thank you for coming to the baby shower -- you brought a great gift!


Cindy, that was wonderful. I loved every bit, and I'm honored by your kind words.

(And I love the Great Brain series! We have a few of them already - need to track down the rest.)

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