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July 03, 2008



I don't think you can compare the "boycotters" of the Dixie Chicks to bigots.

I was never a Chicks fan (I don't think I've ever heard them sing) so I wouldn't have bought their albums anyway, but that terrible remark in England cemented that decision for me. Sure, free speech is a wonderful thing and she had every right to say what she did...but that means that I and others who were disgusted by that anti-American remark, made on FOREIGN soil, in a time of war, have the right to express OUR opinion by not buying their albums.

And I don't care that what she said was against Bush and not America- when you make a remark like that on foreign soil it is most certainly taken as anti-American. I was appalled and ashamed of what she said.

On the other hand, I have no problem voting for a black president. I actually think it would be a very good thing for the country. I just don't happen to like Obama and don't think he is the right man for the job, but that's beside the point.


I haven't seen the movie but will add it to my Netflix queue. Then I'm going to buy a Dixie Chicks CD.

I have seen some of the data you quoted from exit polls. It's very scary stuff.

And I recently saw a PBS show about Pete Seeger, his life, and the accusations hurled at him so long ago. He held his head high through all of the bad times and plowed ahead. We must do the same as we count down the days until the end of GW's reign. Then we can begin the work of rebuilding our nation that used to stand for freedom, integrity, and honesty. I hope to have something to celebrate next July 4th.

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