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March 06, 2009


Aaron Dragushan

Wonderful post Cindy. Our path has had many similarities.



The reason for the Orthodox Judaism rules and rituals (kosher) is with every observance of a pro or prescription in Leviticus and every ritual performed, reminds adherents that they are members of a 6000 year lineage, chosen by God, and they are keeping the covenant that was made with Abraham. Each deliberate act is (or should be) a meditation and a concrete reminder of the invisible relationship with the tribe (Hebraic) that is each individual’s birthright (providing they haven’t sold it for a bowl of soup or equivalent.)

That said, I do not practice a formal religion and I forbade the indoctrination (or even exposure) of my 3 children to any formal religion until they were 18 (and I could no longer protect them.) I attempted to inculcate in them an inclusive set of ethics/morality which I view as meta-principles from whence universal spirituality flows and are common to most religions (I just left out the less than ideal trappings prevalent in the majority.) They are all adults from 37 to 25 and have never caused me or society any problems, and are upstanding productive citizens (and all ultraliberals too!!!)




So beautiful, Cindy. Anytime I hear reform friends brag about serving pork chops on Shabbat or snickering about Black Hats or becoming the Sabbath Queen, I think about progressive people like you (and to a much lesser extent, myself)who are trying to move and grow past the kneejerk reactions towards traditions that once seemed silly, antiquated and stifling. I'm Conservative and find myself being drawn deeper and deeper into a mystery that I will never truly understand, but that challenges me and fills me with joy. Thanks, as always, for sharing your insights. Chag Sameach.

Janet Wendy Spiegel

I think that everything we do as parents is indoctrination and our hope is that we teach our children our values for the good. I would not be a Jew if my mother had not marked every Jewish holiday, lit the Shabbat candles, sent me to Hebrew school, taken me to synagogue on high holidays, and reminded me of the journey we share with everyone of Jewish lineage. My hope is that the lessons I teach my child through her indoctination into my world, lead her to do good in the world. A great post.


Lovely post, Cynthia. I'll have to remember it in my modest weekly review on Friday.
Meanwhile chag samear.

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