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« Robert S. McNamara: Did His Atonement Suffice or Did He Just Outlive Our Anger? | Main | London Bound, Reports to Follow »

July 07, 2009



I heard someone on Fresh Air a few days ago talking about Palin. (I didn't catch his name because I missed the beginning of the interview.) He is from Alaska. He talked about traveling around the country and different reactions about her. He said in the deep south, when people discover you are from Alaska, they ask if you know Palin personally and tell you how much they love her. In New York, people blame you, as an Alaskan, for her existence. And then there were those who were sure that God had chosen her to be the vice-president and since she wasn't elected terrible things were going to happen, i.e. God's wrath. I just found this all very interesting. It just goes to show how polarized we have become, that we tend to either love or hate public figures, and there is rarely an in between.

Cynthia Samuels

Great comments. I'm glad the aggregated stuff was useful; I thought the Harvard piece was intriguing too. Talk to you from London.


Thanks for including the CNN clip! :)

I am going to check out the original post from the Harvard Business blog - that is fascinating and frankly, really what I focus on, in order to stay away from the all too easy slippery slope of personal judgement!

Mary Margaret Hansen

All interesting. You've done a lot of homework. It's not over yet, far from.

Mike Licht

For Sarah Palin so loves Alaska that she's sacrificing her valuable TITLE.


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