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« Meryl Streep and "It's Complicated" - As If We Didn't Know That | Main | So Long Mr. Salinger, and Thanks »

January 18, 2010


Medical Advice

For me Leno is not worthy to have a late night show, he is just an old loser.

Goon Squad Sarah

Wow. I just read the other comments and Ben hit the nail on the head.

I'm not exactly as young as the people he is talking about but he is right. I'd rather be on Twitter than watching Leno. Heck, I'd rather read a book on my phone. :)

Goon Squad Sarah

The honest truth is that I don't watch anything when it is actually on. I DVR anything.

We don't usually even watch talk shows at my house, but if I were going to Jon Stewart is my first option and Conan is my second, no matter what their show is called or what time it is on.

Ben Greenberg

Great post, but let me counter with a meta-level :)

Only an "old" person would believe that young people select their late-night host based on age, even subconsciously.

The truth is a billion miles away -

Young people don't have a late night host. To them, TV shows mostly don't even have air times - it's just a DVR packed with stuff.

The intellectuals & hipsters might watch the Daily Show, but 95% of young people don't watch any Late Night Show - they're on Twitter / Facebook while they're watching "Jersey Shore" or at best "House" - none of them are watching Conan OR Leno.

Another horrible truth: Young people don't even know who the "Boomers" are, let alone blame you for what you did or didn't accomplish in the 60's.

You might be obsessed with age, the way I'm obsessed with race and sexual orientation- it tends to perpetually color my lenses. oops!


I tried to watch Leno when some of the cast from "The Biggest Loser" made appearances and I didn't find it funny at all. I can't comment much on Conan but when I have seen him, he has been funny. Leno just seems mean and obtuse to me.

I watch "The Daily Show" / "Colbert Report" on DVR. I'm usually sleeping when they actually air.

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