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March 14, 2010



Great response!

Alyzabeth's Mommy

Lauren @ Hobo Mama

I love your response, and it reminded me to add another element to my list of the diversity of "mom blogs" I enjoy — those of different ages. I love reading blogs of people younger and older than I am. I was aggravated that the article lumped every woman parenting writer into one category of insipidity.

Thanks so much!


The issue is that the traditional media has some concerned that we amateur 'journalists' are out here taking their readers away. You should hear Rupert Murdoch's views about bloggers. Its ok though as you get to have your own say and it was great.


thanks for this post, and for posting a pic of a nursing momma as well!


I'm not quite old enough to be their moms (more like the older sister who bought them beer when they were teens), but I have had some of the same experiences of the women's movement in the 70's and 80's that you write about. Head-patting condescension to women's endeavors is nothing new. It's just more annoying when it comes from other women.


Thanks so much for your perspective on this..that we are not all silly young girls who just need a head pat and to be sent home to mind our babies.

PunditMom/Joanne Bamberger

That we have to keep saying (and I guess shouting) these things over and over again is frustrating, but I suppose not surprising. While we have mad so many advances as women, things are still so much the same in institutional views of women who are mothers. Just one more reason for all generations of mothers to push forward for world domination! :)

Goon Squad Sarah

I totally agree. And while I am not sure about the validity of the bloggy boot camp (and I really can't say, because I wasn't there, it might have been awesome) to belittle the power of women who write on the internet is dangerous and ill informed.

Julie @ The Mom Slant

Cynthia, so glad to have your perspective as a counterpoint to those in the same generation who insist this article was illuminating. Your voice is such an important one in our community - thank you.


glad to read your comments - this kind of media criticism is important. I'm teaching this semester, and i'm thinking i'll have them read both the article and your response....

Wendy Wiseman

Thank you! I am old enough to be their mom too, and too old to be starting over, but thank heavens, young enough to learn new tricks! Ie, BLOGGING!!!!!


Rock on, Cynthia! It's the work of your generation that lets ours do what we do. Thanks for reminding us the fight isn't over. Sigh.

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